Sunday, April 6, 2014

Online Poker

Online Poker has come back since the government crackdown on online gambling, and
yes slowly but surely you can now play poker online again. Several States including New Jersey and Nevada have their own private online poker sites, being the first to go against the u.s government to allow online gambling again. I mean what is the logic in disallowing it when there is a casino within a two hour drive from just about anywhere in the U.S.

If you have ever wasted your time playing zygna poker for fun or pureplay hoping to win a tourney seat, stop wasting your time. It's time to put those hard sought developed poker skills back to work and to Monetize your poker skills again.

Now if you're not from one of those states that allow a deposit to a poker site don't worry there are ways around it. Some sites will allow you to wire the money via western union and then it will be deposited directly to your account. They do have a verification process set up to make sure its your account it goes to. Some will let you use online sites (like paypal) to deposit money on your account. As always you can also get promo codes for any deposit that allow you to get 50%-250% deposit match.

My personal favorite way to get money on a pay site is to earn it. Yes, you can play for free and earn real cash just sign up through a online poker site and then join any freeroll they pay out real cash that you can then use at poker tables and paid tournaments.

Another reason I like these sites is that they have held to the tradition of poker training. They have poker training videos that range from poker novice ( I have never played a hand ) to poker pro whatever your skill level you will be able to enhance your skills and develop your game. So even if you have never played a game before in your life give it a try like I said you can play for free. Who knows you might end up being the next rookie sensation sitting at the final table of the 2014 WSOP. Good luck and i'll see you at the tables so bring your A game

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